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The Student News Site of Cuesta College

The Cuestonian

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The Student News Site of Cuesta College

The Cuestonian

The Student News Site of Cuesta College

The Cuestonian

Photo by Austin Herbaugh/ The Cuestonian

Cuesta reacts to free college proposal

Lauretta Closser February 18, 2015
A new nationwide proposal by President Obama would make two years of community college free and universal like high school. America’s Promise College Proposal would waive tuition for students who maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher, attend school at least half-time, and make steady progress towards earning a degree.
Cuesta promise extended to a year

Cuesta promise extended to a year

Lauretta Closser October 1, 2014

By Austin Herbaugh Managing Editor The Cuesta Promise has been extended to a full year of free tuition, Cuesta College President Gil Stork announced at the Oct. 3 Board of Trustees meeting. “For...

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