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The Student News Site of Cuesta College

The Cuestonian

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The Student News Site of Cuesta College

The Cuestonian

The Student News Site of Cuesta College

The Cuestonian

A Mercedes Benz and Dodge Challenger outside Sunset Honda. Photo by Nick Stavros

Regional and national vehicle shortage

Nick Stavros December 27, 2021

The auto industry has been hit hard with the shortage of semiconductors, as many new cars have been scarce and various used vehicles have been switched around random dealerships in an attempt to gain profit. Semiconductors...

Online learning’s become the norm for most colleges and universities. Photo by Pixabay

Why is college enrollment plummeting during the pandemic?

Sheyda Ladjevardi November 2, 2021

College enrollment rates during the COVID-19 pandemic are drastically decreasing.  From high school seniors to priorly enrolled college students, higher education seems to be less of a priority in...

Cuesta College. Photo by hakkun

Getting back into the groove: How do you feel?

Damon Quintard May 16, 2021

As polarizing as the whole COVID-19 debacle has become, it has been decided that we Cuesta Cougars should get back to school in person next year!  There are certainly an array of opinions with this,...


Ideas your parents will hate – like taking a year off school

Daniel Burg April 14, 2021

Mark Twain famously observed, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe...

A line up of surfers south of SLO. Photo by Todd Weaver

How the pandemic changed surfing

Damon Quintard December 14, 2020

Following the rules and regulations that COVID-19 has placed on citizens in California, the number of inexperienced beginners and wave-deprived locals has created a much more hostile environment for surfers...

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