Uber driver Alfonso Alarcon-Nunez, in SLO County Sheriff’s custody, faces several counts of rape and burglary of college students.
Photo courtesy of the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office
By Lindsay Darbyshire
News Editor
A local Uber driver has pleaded not guilty to ten felony charges after being taken into custody after allegedly sexually assaulting and robbing four victims including a Cuesta student – after driving them home, according to San Luis Obispo District Attorney Dan Dow, who spoke at a recent press conference.
Alfonso Alarcon-Nunez, 39, an undocumented immigrant, was arrested on ten felony charges, including rape, burglary, and oral copulation, Dow said. Three of the alleged victims were Cal Poly students, while the other was a student at Cuesta College.
The alleged assaults and thefts took place between Dec. 17 to Jan. 14. All of the victims were college-age women, but since the investigation is ongoing, Dow said that authorities have reason to believe that there may be more victims throughout the SLO and Santa Barbara counties.
Alarcon-Nunez regularly went by the alias “Bruno Diaz,†according to Dow. He was identified as an illegal immigrant, but was allegedly deported voluntarily in 2005. Despite this, Alarcon-Nunez acquired a valid driver’s license in 2015.
People who use Uber and Lyft services are encouraged to plan their trip ahead, according to the Cuesta College Police Department. This includes seeing who the driver is on their phone, getting a description of the vehicle, identifying a license plate before taking a ride, sitting in the backseat if you are alone, and telling friends the details of your trip. Cuesta PD also advises riders to call 911 if they feel they are in danger.
Alarcon-Nunez’s bail is currently set at $1.47 million and his next preliminary hearing will take place on Feb. 26.