By Ben Clark
Opinion/Feature editor
The top governing body of the San Luis Obispo Community College District met Wed, Sept. 7 to discuss current and future events at Cuesta College.
Highlights included a $12,000 check from Southern California Gas as an award for the installation of new energy efficient pool furnaces.
Michael Constable, president of the Associated Students of Cuesta College, proposed ‘Constitution Day’, a day dedicated to learning about the United States Constitution, which was approved by the board. A special event will be put on annually by the ASCC, on Sept. 20 with Constitution based games being the main attraction.
A very detailed explanation/update on the bond projects was also given by Terry Reece, director of facilities. Future infrastructure updates will be based on their affect on classes in session and available funding, because the Measure L bond money comes in chunks, not all at once.
A memorandum of understanding was extended by the board to allow Palo Verde College to finish the last two courses being offered by them at the Men’s Colony, which is inside Cuesta’s jurisdiction. Thus enabling the students in Palo Verde’s correspondence certificate program to finish without conflicting with Cuesta’s new class offerings to prisoners.
Last but not least, the board passed Cuesta’s budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Overall incoming money will be slightly less, due to less one time funding being offered, and expenditures will be slightly more compared to last year.
Unless changed the next open Board of Trustees meeting will be held Wednesday, October 5, 2016 Â at 4:00pm in the Associated Students Auditorium, room 5401/5402, all are encouraged to attend.