These ride services are independent of each other.
By Lindsay Darbyshire
Features Editor
Although most trick-or-treaters this Halloween might be more worried about the size of their candy stash or how their costume makeup is holding up, the threat of drunk drivers and unsafe foot travel conditions linger.
If the costume party you’re going to serves more than just Milky Way’s, San Luis Obispo students and citizens have the option to call the transportation services that run on the Central Coast.
These include LYFT, Uber, and even SLO Safe Ride for larger groups.
LYFT and Uber, two well known transportation services based in San Francisco, California, allow people to call a safe ride through an app.
SLO Safe Ride, a charter service for large groups or events, provide vans, buses, and limousines available all day and night around the central coast.
“Unsurprisingly, many fatal crashes occur on nights and weekends when people are out celebrating… Services like Uber — where passengers push a button and get a ride in minutes— are helping to curb drunk driving,†Uber’s website said.
Uber is working with MADD [Mothers Against Drunk Driving], in order to oppose driving under the influence and encourage party goers to choose a set designated driver.
According to Nixle, a website that keeps people informed about recent police department and school happenings, the San Luis Obispo Police Department released a statement regarding drunk driving during Halloween in 2016.
The press release warns SLO residents against the dangers of driving under the influence and the alternate actions people can take to avoid vehicular accidents.
“Drivers are encouraged to download the Designated Driver VIP, or ‘DDVIP,’ a free mobile app for Android or iPhone…,†according to SLOPD’s press release.
The app, developed by Aloompa, LLC, allows sober drivers to redeem special discounts and offers at participating California bars and restaurants. It also includes a map and a direct ride request for Uber, Lyft, or Curb.
“Drivers caught driving impaired can expect the impact of a DUI arrest to include jail time, fines, fees, DUI classes, license suspensions and other expenses that can exceed $10,000,†said the SLOPD in the press release.
The SLOPD encourages Halloween party go-ers to make a plan of action before setting out, designating a driver, and watching out for friends and fellow party members who may be planning to drive while under the influence of alcohol.