Photo by Josh Pachio/Cuestonian
By Oliver Fend
Staff Writer
For every student enrolled in Cuesta who has paid full tuition has access to the free health services the student health center has to offer.
Including: free confidential mental, physical, and reproductive health care services with a dedicated staff of professionals.
The fall and winter months are commonly known as the flu season. It makes schools and other public places dangerous biohazard zones, causing many students to not attend class in order to avoid the flu.
The flu could cost a person their entire academic career in the time it has its effect on the human body, where someone could miss multiple tests and exams.
The Cuesta Health Center is running a flu shot clinic on Oct. 3, 5, 12. Offering students access to free flu vaccinations to any student enrolled with the health fee paid.
There is a limited amount of shots the health center can give within the hour where it is offered. The clinic is on a first come first serve basis. The health center can treat up to 20 students per hour.
The flu shots will be offered in the Student Health Center in room 3150.
The process is quick and painless. All you have to do is fill out the consent form, fill out some personal information and wait until you’re called back.
If you have any questions regarding the flu clinic, contact the student health center at (805) 546-3171