By Casi McIntyre
New Editor
The Department of Veterans Services will feature a speaker on the impacts of post traumatic stress disorder during Cuesta’s Veteran’s Week on Nov. 9.
A psychologist at the National Center for PTSD, Dr. David M. Joseph provides treatments for veterans transitioning back into civilian life at the Oakland Vet Center.
“This is a fantastic opportunity to come and learn about people who have served your country for you to be free,†said Karen Andrews, veterans certified official.
Andrews, who has seen Joseph speak at a previous event, says he takes his audience on the journey of a veteran. Joseph informs others on the challenges veterans face starting from when they enlist until they come back home.
“He’s a phenomenal speaker…he opens your eyes,†said Andrews.
In partnership with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Joseph’s has recently developed a pilot training for community college faculty and staff on better helping student veterans with PTSD.
Joseph’s talk is part of Cuesta’s Veteran’s Week that is put on by the department to bring awareness to students and the community so they can better understand veterans.
The talk given by Joseph is open to the public and will be held in room 5401 on the San Luis Obispo campus and will be available for viewing in room N5006 on the North county campus. The talk will start at 2 p.m. and will last about two hours.