By Chris Bremer
Copy Editor
Cuesta’s Grassroots club seeks affiliation after being inactive for three years.
Recent Cuesta College graduate and president of the Grassroots club, Natasha Melia has reintroduced the club in an effort to spread environmental awareness across the campus. The club is seeking a vice president to serve along side Melia as so Cuesta’s student government may approve the club.
Students interested in the position are asked to be goal oriented, a problem solver, and passionate about the environment. The position would not only help the Cuesta community, but will look great on college applications as well, Melia says.
The Grassroots club is seeking accreditation as so it may address some of the issues facing our local community, such as the drought.
“We can always do more,†Melia said. “I see [sprinklers] watering the cement. We cannot do that.â€
Melia recognizes that creating a greener campus can cost money, yet states that there are other ways to create change without costing the campus more. The club will be organizing fundraisers such as a clothing exchange and a raffle to help raise the money for projects that they deem worthy, such as designated parking spots for those who carpool.
The club will also be looking at the goals and accomplishments of past Grassroots clubs with the help of longtime grassroots advisor, Mathew Fleming.
Students interested in joining the club or the vice president position can contact either Melia at [email protected], or advisor Matt Fleming at [email protected].
“I want the world to be a better place,†Melia said. “Imagine how much we can accomplish.â€