Teri Sherman, academic counselor
By Erin Gabel and Caitlin Doble
Staff Writers
Instead of waiting in endless lines in between classes, students can now opt to chat virtually with an academic counselor.
Live Chat is in the style of instant messaging, and can be compared to walk in counseling. This is a viable option for students with limited time or the inability to get to campus who have questions that do not require a student’s academic record.
“I think it’s important to offer these services to meet the many needs of our students,†said Teri Sherman, a Cuesta College counselor.
The online aspect of counseling was added to help students receive clarification on general information, such as drop dates or pre-requisites for courses. Due to privacy laws, questions about personal information or anything requiring records can not be discussed online for safety and protection of student’s identity.
What originally started as a pilot program three years ago, and is continually a work in progress, has proven successful.
“A recent poll shows that the majority of students want and appreciate online counseling, but still feel it’s important to receive motivation and counseling in person,†said Sherman.
Online chat will be available Mondays 4-5 p.m., Tuesday 1:30-2:30 p.m., Wednesday 2-3:30 p.m., and Thursday 1-2 p.m. Students can access the chat feature through www.cuesta.edunder the counseling section.