By Matthew Lozano
News Editor
Cuesta’s veteran community providers fair offered the veterans of San Luis Obispo an opportunity to find services and prospects available to them in the county.
The event kicked off at 11 a.m. in the associated student auditorium in room 5401 at the SLO county campus.
The event saw more than 100 people in attendance including a wide range of individuals from student veterans, local veterans, providers to Cuesta staff.
“There was lots of participation and it was nice to see fellow veterans seeking out the help they need and deserve and it was good to see all the providers so eager and willing to help.† Michael Preis, a student veteran of Cuesta said.
19 booths were set up for veterans by community providers such as Central Coast Honor Flights, Paws for Cause, New Life K9s, SLO Veteran Service Office, and Ampsurf, among others.
The event is an annual project started by Cuesta’s veteran certifying official Karen Andrews. All veterans who attended and visited each booth received a free lunch from Rib Line as well as a Fall semester parking pass.