Matthew LozanoÂ
Staff Writer                                          Â
Cuesta College will hold its annual Constitution Day in the student center courtyard on the San Luis Obispo campus on Sept. 17 and in Dallons Hall on North County campus on Sept. 16.
The event runs from 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. and will provide those who attend with free food, pocket constitutions and bookmarks, as well as the opportunity to register to vote.
The North County campus event will have constitution jeopardy with an estimated 50 questions and possible prizes for correct answers to promote awareness and engage students.
“Students will become more aware of what the Constitution means to them,†said Anthony Gutierrez, coordinator of student life and leadership, as well as coordinator for the event.
The event will have several speakers including San Luis Obispo mayor Jan Marx.
“It’s truly an honor to able to speak at this event and rekindle the fire of the constitution for another generation,†Cody Elliott said. Elliott, a Marine veteran, will be speaking about the constitution and what it means to him.
For more information about Constitution Day call Anthony Gutierrez at (805) 546-3100 ext. 2354.