Cuestonian Staff
Students passing through the Humanities Forum during the fall 2024 semester.
The Cuesta College Academic Senate is back in the process of nominating its president after the only nominee withdrew during the fall semester. Because no presidential appointment was made in the fall, a new election committee has to be created, as discussed at a regular meeting on Friday.
In a meeting on Nov. 22, 2024, the Academic Senate nominated Chemistry Instructor Lara Baxley as the 2025-2027 senate president. Soon after, Vice President of Instruction Jason Curtis voiced his concerns about the nomination of Baxley. “To be honest, I’m conflicted about saying anything because of my role as Vice President of Instruction, but I need to be true to myself and my beliefs,” Curtis said at the meeting, according to the minutes. “I want to close by sharing my reaction upon first seeing this item on the Senate agenda for the previous meeting… I went home that evening and started looking for other jobs.”
With the room surprised, the confirmation was postponed until the Dec. 13, 2024 meeting.
During that meeting, Baxley withdrew her nomination, leaving no candidates for the presidential position.
During the Academic Senate meeting on Friday, the Senate officially appointed Mathematics Instructor Ryan Lowenstein as the next Vice President of the Academic Senate. The Senate then discussed the next steps for renominating a president and reviewing the Senate bylaws so issues such as these do not arise in the future.
“This is unprecedented territory,” said Alex Kahane, the current Academic Senate president in response to the events that occurred in recent Academic Senate meetings.