The states participating in Super Tuesday. Photo by Amkutzko
The upcoming presidential primary elections are on Tuesday, March 3.
Polls are open from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. PT and are located in various locations throughout San Luis Obispo County.
According to the United States Census Bureau, in 2016 46.1% of 18-29 year olds voted. This is a 1.1% increase from 2012, but still the lowest voter turnout rate of all other age groups. California’s census reporter states that approximately 15% of California’s population is between the ages of 20-29. This age group has the largest representation in the state, but is still the least represented when it comes to the polls. Â
According to an article on the Youth Service of America website titled, “4 Reasons Young People Don’t Vote…and What to Do About It,†two of the main reasons young people don’t vote are not feeling confident in their knowledge of the upcoming election, and not having the time to go vote.
The presidential primary is when voters select candidates for the general election that is held on November 3. Voters vote for their preferred candidate in their registered party. Those registered independent will have candidates from all the parties on their ballot.Â
According to Rolling Stone magazine, Bernie Sanders is the most popular candidate for the Democratic Party. In second is Joe Biden, and in third is Michael Bloomberg. For the Republican Party, Donald Trump and Bill Weld are running.Â
Also being voted on in the upcoming election is Proposition 13 and the candidates running for the offices of the U.S. House of Representatives, California State Senators, and for the Board of Supervisors. More information on the individual candidates running for these offices is available on the San Luis Obispo County’s Clerk Recorder website.
Proposition 13 is a bill that authorizes $15 billion in bonds for construction and modernization of public schools, including community colleges and universities. For more information on Proposition 13, visit this article from The New York Times stating some of the pros and cons, or see the official voter guidebook sent out with mail in ballots for extensive information regarding Proposition 13 inside. Â
San Luis Obispo County has made it relatively simple to vote without having to go too far out of your way.Â
Two local San Luis Obispo polling locations are San Luis Obispo Guild Hall and C.L. Smith Elementary School. If these locations aren’t convenient, other locations can be found using a polling place locator.Â
Two local locations for dropping off absentee and early ballots are the San Luis Obispo County Social Services building and the San Luis Obispo Veterans Services building. To find other locations for ballot drop off, click here.Â
Mailing absentee ballots are still accepted as long as the ballot is postmarked on or before March 3, and received by the county’s elections office no later than March 6.Â
For those who aren’t registered to vote yet, registration is still available either online or in person at the polling location closest to you on March 3.Â