Bailey King, a Cuesta student helps pass out food during a 2016 distribution.
Photo by Dylan Head/Cuestonian
Oliver Fend
Staff Writer
The San Luis Obispo food bank is holding public distributions on the SLO and North County campus.
On Sept. 19 the food bank will be at Cuesta’s SLO campus in parking lot three from 3 – 5 p.m., with North County distribution taking place in parking lot 10 from 3 – 5 p.m.
The SLO food bank wishes to provide nutritious food to the local communities in both SLO and North County.
“We felt that it was important because we know that hunger is a national epidemic on college campuses,†said Anthony Gutierrez, a faculty coordinator at the office of student life and leadership.
“We are always looking to make sure students are successful in and out of the classroom. This is just one example of how we can do that,†Gutierrez said.
“During our first year of distribution [2016-17] we served over 1,000 students and community members,â€Gutierrez said.
The SLO food bank is always seeking out volunteers, according to the food bank’s website.
For those who are interested, contact Dr. Anthony Gutierrez for more information or questions via email at [email protected].
More information can be found at slofoodbank.org.