By Sophia Carnevale
Arts and Entertainment Editor
If the crazy rush of black friday and Cyber Monday wore you out on capitalism, then give back for Giving Tuesday today!
Students can donate to Cuesta and all the proceeds will go to Cuesta’s Assistance for Students with Emergencies (CASE) to help low income students. The funds will provide financial assistance that will help to continue the education of students with financial need.
All donations will be matched up to $5,250 by the Associated Students of Cuesta College (ASCC) and Pacific Western Bank’s Central Coast branches.
#givingtuesday is a national event that will have participants all over the country. Be apart of this incredible event and give back in the Holiday and Thanksgiving spirit.
Anyone can make a tax deductible donation to support Cuesta students by donating at: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E9737&id=11