Update, Aug. 28:
News segments on the video have run on KSBY, KCOY and KPCC. We will add links as they become available.
Original story, Aug. 27:
By Branden Hopper
KPCC in Los Angeles — the largest NPR affiliate in the country — will air an interview about the widely viewed short video student journalists created in response to recently reported mountain lion sightings on the San Luis Obispo campus.
The video, which accompanied a news story earlier this week on Cuestonian.com, informs students what to do if they see a mountain lion — but with a light-hearted, retro take that stars the Cuesta mascot, which happens to be a mountain lion named “Cougie.â€
So far, there have been more than 3,000 views of the video on The Cuestonian’s Facebook page. The video comes at a time when not only have there been mountain lion sightings on the Cuesta campus, but also near UCSB in Isla Vista.[embedyt]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teGIGNm_Oto[/embedyt]